Oil changes should not be confusing. This is the most frequent service for your automobile, aside from filling it up with gasoline. Motor oil circulates through the engine to lubricate moving parts, draw away heat, and clean away dirt and grime. Righter’s Auto Repair can change your oil every time it needs it, and we understand that there is a lot of conflicting information out there about oil change durations. Let’s break this down further so it’s easier to understand.
Every 3,000 Miles
The rule of thumb for decades has been to get an oil change every 3,000 miles. This rule still exists if you drive a vehicle that uses conventional motor oil. Conventional oil does a fine job in protecting your engine provided you change it every 3,000 miles or six months, whichever comes first. Conventional oil is the most organic oil on the market. In other words, it is not manmade. It is made from crude that is extracted from the ground and refined.
Every 5,000 Miles
The directive to get an oil change every 5,000 miles can muddy the waters. We believe this is where some of the confusion about oil changes comes into play. When synthetic motor oil hit the markets, this manmade lubricant increased the mileage duration between oil changes. At first, it was thought (and still is in some cases) that you should get your oil changed every 5,000 miles. As synthetic oil technology advances, this duration gets longer.
Every 7,500 Miles
On average, the most common recommendation for synthetic oil changes is every 7,500 miles. This reduces the number of oil changes that you need to have per year. Synthetic oil has made a splash in the automotive service industry because it is created in a lab and contains additives that extend the oil’s life and allows it to provide better protection in extreme conditions, such as when our temperatures hit frigid levels in the winter.
Every 10,000 Miles
Some automobile manufacturers, including BMW and Toyota, tout that their engines don’t need to have synthetic oil changes until 10,000 miles or 15,000 miles. It’s important to understand that these recommendations are likely based on specific oil types and weights. If you opt to have your oil changed every 10,000 miles, you’ll need to use the oil recommended by your vehicle’s manufacturer in the owner’s manual.
Righter’s Auto Repair in Grand Ledge, MI, can customize an oil change schedule for your automobile based on the manufacturer’s recommendations, the miles on your vehicle, your daily commute, and how you drive. This ensures your oil is always fresh, clean, and doing its job properly.